Is it possible to repair a snapamp or do you have any
other suggestions for getting a board running that I have
Gnd and 11.5V intended for optoisolated port 3
acidentally ended up like this:
Gnd went to pin 14 = IO13
11.5V went to pin 13 = IO6
I was applying voltage to my breakout board to test the
limit switch input and somehow I got a backwards ribbon
cable connected between the snapamp and my breakout board.
The instant the voltages touch the breakout board Kmotion
reported an auto disconnect. The status now is that if
that board is attached to Kflop the kflop will not boot.
The other snapamp still works fortunately.
I haven't used this CNC router for a year. It was a real
rats nest and I was rebuilding the wiring and I used a
cable from long ago where I had pressed on one of the IDC
connectors backwards. Must've been from another project
because it had polarizing tabs. I don't think it's
possible it ever could've worked.